Tamia has released her new "It's Yours" single! She also recently unveiled the official music video for her sexy "Leave It Smokin! back in June! Both singles are lifted from her Passion Like Fire studio album ( seventh) which dropped on September 7th!
Back in May of 2015 Tamia released her "Stuck With Me" single! Tamia also previously released the music video for her sultry "Sandwich and A Soda" single which was Produced by Pop & Oak! Both singles were from Tamia's LoveLife studio album which was released back in June 2015 via her at the time very-new recording contract with Def Jam! Tamia has been an independent artist for the past few years and created her music with her own Plus One Music Group (Capitol/EMI distributed) label. Tamia previously released her 2012 album titled Beautiful Surprise under her Plus One label which debuted at No. 6 on Billboard's Top R&B/Hip-Hop albums chart!

SINGLE: Tamia's "It's Yours!"
#Tamia #It'sYours #newsingle #LeaveItSmokin #newmusicvideo #newsingle #PassionLikeFire #newstudioalbum #StuckWithMe #newsingle #SandwhichAndASode #newmusicvideo #LoveLife #DefJam #BeautifulSurprise #GiveMeYou #StrangerInMyHouse #OfficiallyMissingYou #R&B #buzzfeed #musicartists
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