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H&M release their new line of ethical clothing today

 H&M released their line of ethical clothing today.
It's been a bag of mixed reviews really. The line debuted with a fancy launch in Paris which included light shows and celebrities but on the ground, the reviews are confused.
Some are complaining that the affordable bridal dresses that appear in the collection undermine marriage. I am not kidding. While some places complain about the lack of available Conscious clothing within actual H&M stores.

I must admit that I never find it when I want it but I have seen it in store.

Another valid complaint is that H&M (who are opening their 4000th store this month) offer so many lines and pieces of fast fashion that is it not a bit grating to talk about conscious fashion when you are producing 600 million garments a year?

 I remember when the whole ethical clothing took a few years back. I mean closer to ten years ago. I am Irish so I refer to time loosely! But I remember it was all so meh and so unfashionable. Surely, anything updating the ethical clothing availability and making it more desirable is good??
I do agree that we need to address how we shop and how we consume clothes. It's a bit mad. I defy anyone to watch The True Cost of Fashion (I think it is now on netflix) and not feel a bit breathless with terror.
 So does this make the H&M effort of having one line dedicated to this, not enough?

Lets also keep in mind that H&M have a terrible record with their factories too.

I agree with affordable bridal. I don't understand why bridal has to be so expensive for one day.
Lets see if H&M can commit to more then just one line or if this is really more about the press then the problem.

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